Common name: Asian Bear
Scientific Name: Ursus thibetanus
Kingdom: Animila
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ursus
Species: U. thibetanus

Males weigh 242 to 330 lbs. Females weigh 143 to 40.9. Height measures 47.24 to 70.87 in. There head is very round and shaped in a circular way. They have very small eyes. Their ears are very spread apart. They have a heavy body, but strong and thick legs. Their paws are wide. Their tails are short and stubby; they are barely visible in a thick coat of hair.
They also have a “V” shape on their chest. They are black colored and sometimes brown. They mostly live in moist forests, on steep mountains, or were thick air is. They live on higher elevations. And they also hibernate during winter. They also like to come out on large open spaces. A little is known about the Asian bear.
Most that is known about their social and reproductive behavior have been discovered by observing bears in zoo’s and environments other than their natural habitat. The size of the territory of the Ursus thibetanus varies greatly from around 6.4 or 9.7 square kilometers to around 16.4 or 36.5 square kilometers , depending on how much food there is.
The smaller the food range is the smaller the range of Ursus thibetanus. The Asian bear is found in north of Pakistan, south of Afghanistan, east of the Himalayans, north of Vietnam, south of China, and in Thailand. They are widely distributed. I did not find anything on “how many there is” or if “there population is growing or shrinking.”
The Asian bear is an omnivore. In fall they fatten themselves with acorns, chestnuts, walnuts, and other fat-rich resources. They climb on trees to get their food. But also find food on the forest floor. During the spring they eat bamboo, raspberry, hydrangea, and other plants. During the summer they eat raspberries, cherries, and grasses, insect food, especially ants. They also eat carrion, and sometimes attack livestock. Small Ursus thibetanus eat fish, birds, rodents, and other small mammals..
Author: Narisa G.
Published: 12/12/10
Resources: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Ursus_thibetanus.html http://tolweb.org/Ursus_thibetanus/123668
Picture credit: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ursus_thibetanus_3_(Wroclaw_zoo).JPG