Common Name: Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
Scientific Name: Brachypelma smithi
Kingdom: Anamalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Archnida
Order: Arneae
Family: Theraphosidae
Genus: Brachpelma
Species: B. smithi

The Mexican Red Knee tarantula can grow to be 5 to 5.5 in. big. The spider’s coloration consists of a darker body and also red and orange knees. Its adaptations are that its colors make it a very good predator in the deserts, and some forests. Also, its hairs are there for a reason. The hairs that the Mexican Red Knee has are very sensitive so it knows where it is going. Since the spider’s eyesight is not so good its hairs or bristles are critical to how it lives. Like pretty much every spider, the Mexican Red Knee also has fangs that contain venom. Not only does the spider concede fangs and venom it also has the bristles for protection. Sure the bristles might be for looks, but those bristles are for protection. If a Mexican Red Knee feels it is being threatened it will drop its bristles from its abdomen, and if the bristles come in contact with the skin, they can create a painful rash. Also if the bristles come in contact with the eyes the can because of serious damage or leave you blind. Identifying this tarantula can be quiet easy.
The main thing, of course, is if it has red or orange bristle then you know it’s a Red Knee. A description of the tarantula’s niche would be that it lives in the deserts and some forests. Its purpose is that it is a consumer because they eat other animals in order to get their energy. They do well in this environment because they are well blended to their environment which makes it easier for them to eat, or catch prey.F or a home the Mexican Red Knee makes a burrow in the ground.T he Mexican Red Knee Tarantula is native to the deserts and some forests of Mexico. Now it is made illegal to take this animal away from its environment. This means you can’t take it from the forest or desert and take it home. There are other Red Knees that are raised so you can take them home.
There is no exact number on how many tarantulas are left, but it is definitely known that they’re a lot left. They aren’t going extinct, but there could be a lot more than there are now. Therefore the population of the Mexican Red Knee is shrinking. That is why people aren’t allowed to take these animals out of their environment. If people were to have one as a pet, which people do, other places breed them especially for this. So don’t go out to get one in the wild.
The Mexican Red Knees role in the food web is that they are consumers. They eat pretty much anything that is smaller than them. For example they eat some small mice, insects, and crickets. Instead of using a web like some spiders would, the Mexican Red Knee uses it’s venom to incapacitate small rodents or insects. This animal competes for food with some animals. Some of these animals include scorpions and lizards. The Mexican Red Knee competes with these other animals, because they all eat insects. The Mexican Red Knee has very few enemies other than humans. It’s only real natural enemy is the Tarantula Hawk. The animal hides in its burrow to avoid being eaten or stung by the Tarantula Hawk.
Some interesting facts about the Mexican Red Knee are that its bristles leave a very painful rash if they are contacted to the skin. If they are contacted to the eye, it can lead to blindness. I also learned that it is illegal to take this animal from its environment. Because of this there are breeders who breed these animals so you can take them home. Since these animals are docile they are the most popular tarantula pet in the world.
Author: Jesus H
Published: 02/2008
Sources: wikipedia.com Central pets.com Tarantulas. Com
Photo Credit: Jurgen E Haug http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Brachypelma_Smithii.jpg