Common Name: Indian Rainforest Tarantula
Scientific Name: Poecilotheria regalis
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Theraphosidae
Genus: Poecilotheria
Species: P. regalis

My common name for my animal report is called an Indian Rainforest Tarantula. The scientific name for it is ”Poecilotheria regalis”. The taxonomy is practice and science of classification. But this tarantula’s real name is Indian Ornamental Tarantula. The size of these tarantula’s, for the Female: 9” and Male: Smaller than a female tarantula. Some female tarantulas are twice the size of their mates. Since the males do most of the hunting, they usually eat the scraps because they tend to let the females eat first. The coloration depends upon several factors.
The adaptation is a positive characteristic of an organism that has been favored by natural selection. There are other species also referred to as tarantulas outside of this family. A description of niche could be a term describing the relational position of a species or population in an ecosystem. Why they use this ecosystem is because they have a specific temperature to survive in.
Last but not least what I learned. I learned that if you were smart you wouldn’t have one of these dangerous tarantulas. I’m going to give you some facts so you stay safe and stay away from these dangerous tarantulas. Here are some facts so you know how dangerous they can be. These types of tarantulas can really hurt you, and you could maybe even die from a bite. Now you know some facts about this type of tarantulas. That’s practically everything I know and learned about my animal.
Author: Jennifer H
Published: 02/2008
Sources: Arachnopets/http://www.arachropets.com/tarantulas/tcaressheets/pregalisc.htm The Tarantula’s Nest- Species File http://www.jonwallis.btinternet.co. uk/tarantula/species.p.regalis.html Eight a site about Tarantulas www.google.com http://www.cities.org/eng/cop/ll/prop/52.pdf
Encyclopedia Photo Credit: www.eightlegs.org/regalis/pokey.html