Common Name: Chilean Rose Tarantula
Scientific Name: Grammostola rosea
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Order: Araneae
Family: Theraphosidae
Genus: Grammostola
Species: G. rosea

A Chilean rose tarantula can be 2 inches to 5.5 inches, their legs are about 5 inches long. They can be different colors. They can be brownish with pink hairs or red. What’s so interesting about the Chilean rose tarantula is that it does not build webs. Why is that? Well, their webs aren’t strong enough to hold so they use silk to build its nest.
You can find a Chilean rose tarantula in Chile, South America. The Chilean can live in your house, your office or anywhere you can think of! That’s because they are recommended as pets because they are easily tamed. Their ecosystem can be anywhere if it is 70 to 80 degrees. The Chilean Rose Tarantula is exciting to watch grow. They grow pretty quick to impressive sizes. There is not a specific number of how many Chilean rose tarantulas there are, but there is some in the tropical forest. Their role in the food web is that they eat only invertebrates. The Chilean rose tarantula doesn’t really have a reason to compete for food. They evade being eaten by running away from danger rather than acting defensively. It will pose in a position that shows it’s fangs to frighten possible invaders. What eats a Chilean rose tarantula? Well, a snake, a spider-eating bird, and even wasp! That stood out was that the tarantula doesn’t make webs?! You know other spiders do, but not Chilean rose tarantula! They use silk to burrow. What I learned about this animal was that it can be a pet, can be found in Chile, South America and that they can grow 2 inches long.
Author: Miranda N
Published: 02/2008
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Grammostola_rosea_adult_weiblich.jpg