Common Name: Ring Tailed Lemur
Scientific Name: Lemur catta
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Lemuridae
Genus: Lemur
Species: L. catta

The Ring Tailed Lemur is a very rare lemur. The Latin name for them is ghost. There is only a few left in existents. The male weighs 2.5- 3.5kg. The female weighs 2.3-3.0 kg. Their tail weighs 56-62cm, head weighs 38-46cm, and their total length is 95-110cm. They come from the family Lemuridae. They had white patches of fur on their faces, ears, and underbelly. The Ring Tailed Lemurs are known for the patterns on their tails. The pattern is black and gray rings on the whole tail. They are also known for their bright, yellow, eyes. Ring Tailed Lemurs eat once in the morning them once in the evening then they are done eating until the next day. They mainly eat fruit and plants.
They mainly eat fruit that has fallen onto the ground. Ring tailed Lemurs also feed in trees to reach pods and berries from lower branches. Sometimes they lick rain or morning dew off leaves as a water source. In dry season, when there is not enough water they go to a nearby river and drink from there. Ring Tailed Lemurs are only found in the southern and southwestern Madagascar. Their habitat contains many trees. The trees provide them with most of their food. Ring tailed lemurs prefer trees with horizontal branches. They move throughout their home of range. Ring Tailed Lemurs move together in groups. They spend most their time on the ground than any other lemur.
Ring Tailed Lemurs look out for hawks, gray harrier hawk for example. If a hawk flies over their heads then they sound high- pitched shriek alarm call, and move to a bush down blow to hide. The most dangerous predators to them are humans, dogs, and cats. If the recognize a predator on the ground then they start to worn all the other lemurs by clicking and barking. Ring tailed lemurs are special in their own way. There are a lot of facts about this very special animal. Their skin and fur is an important part of their body. It helps them blend in to their habitat. They have very big claws to help them grab their food, along with their very sharp teeth. They can have up to one to two babies, but if they have two then are most likely to be twins.
Author: Riley B.
Published: 1-13