Common Name: North Pacific Right Whale
Scientific Name: Eubalaena japonica
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Balaenidae
Genus: Eubalaena
Species: E. japonica
Eubalaena Japocina or North Pacific Right whale is a 40-80 ton mammal. It can grow from 13.5-18m (45-55ft). It is a black color with white patches on it belly and barnacles along its mouth. It is so low in population it is not counted they believe there’s around 40. They are endangered.
It has a large mouth so it swims with it mouth open. It eats small fish or krill as a diet. Its purpose is to keep small fish and krill to keep their growth to a level that doesn’t affect other animals. They have a complete digestive system. It also eats zooplankton.
It is endangered because it was hunted for food in foreign countries. New laws were past all-round the world to save the Right Whale. They are shrinking still from small sharks and other predators. It is almost defenseless. It is very similar to other right whales.
It lacks a dorsal fin. The right whale has a stocky body. It has no teeth so it swallows food whole. They can live up 100 years. Its flippers are big and paddle shape. It is also slowest swimming whale ever.
The North Pacific Right Whale or Eubalaena Juponinica is an intelligent whale. It has a hard time surviving in the world and is most likely to die out.
Author: Alec E.
Published: 02/2012
Munger, Lisa Marie. North Pacific Right Whale Calling Behavior and Habitat Characterization in the Southeastern Bering Sea. 2007. Print.
"North Pacific Right Whale." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 14 Feb. 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Pacific_right_whale.
"Right Whale | Cetacean Fact Sheet | American Cetacean Society." ACS - American Cetacean Society. American Cetacean Society, 16 Aug. 2008. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/RightWhale.htm.