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Common Name: Bowhead Whale
Scientific Name: Balaena mysticetus

Kingdom: Animalia                                                            

Phylum: Chordata  

Class: Mammalia

Order: Cetacea

Family: Balaenidae

Genus: Balaena

Species: B.  mysticetus

The Bowhead whale looks a Humpback but acts different in many ways.


This animal weighs to about 80 to 110 tons, which is about 120, 00 lbs. this huge creature is 50 to 60 ft long. A Bowhead whale is black and gray. This animal is dark. You can tell by the picture. Its tongue was only one ton, that’s a lot for just a tongue. This whale has two blow holes near its head. The blubber on the whale is two feet thick it can break through ice up to 0.6 m (two feet) thick when it is necessary to crate a breathing hole.


A Bowhead whale lives in the Arctic, Hudson Bay, Sea of Okhotsk, Lawrence, and the Beau forts, Bering, and Chukchi Seas. They are the only whales to live its whole life in the Arctic. Bowhead whales live exclusively in the Arctic at the surface of the ocean. So you don’t see them on a fishing trip to Pismo.


This whale has an extreme apatite. The bowhead whale mostly eats microscopic organism. It also eats fish and anything it can find. Bowheads are seasonal feeders and carnivores that filter feed plankton and tiny crustaceans like krill, copepods pteropoda, ECT. They also feed with there mouths open to catch there food. But swim slowly doing it, so they are always eating. They are also bottom feeders that mean they eat benthic pray from the mud on the ocean floor.       The bowhead whale is a very big animal. It is 120,000 lbs (80 to 110 tons). Its head takes up forty percent of its body. This huge animal is 50 to 60 ft long (fifteen - eighteen point five m) in growth and on top of that its tongue is one ton. This whale is a big whale, but not the biggest. Can you believe that?


There population is not as big as you think. The reason you have never heard of this whale is because they are going extinct. That’s right that’s the reason. There are not the most known, but they are known for there blubber. There are only 8,000 left and for a whale that’s not good. It’s all because of whalers. Whalers were hunting for the bowhead whale in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. They make makeup and stuff we don’t need with these whales. Twenty-five-forty are killed each year.


This whale is also called the Green Right whale. The females grow larger than the male. The bowhead whale is close relative to the northern right whale. Its massive head can break through ice up to 0.6 m (two ft) thick. It can go to a depth of 500 (155 m).The Bowhead whale spouts about one – two times per minute and four-six per minute to prepare to dive. They swim normally at two-seven mph. If they are in danger they ten-twelve mph. When a baby is born the tail comes out first instead of the head and they are born near the surface. A bowhead whale baby gestation period is about twelve to sixteen months. There life expectancy is at least forty years maybe even longer. There are only 76 cetaceans species and they mate in the late spring.


As you can see the Bowhead whale is very huge and is a soft hearted animal. There may not be much of them left the are big and pretty animals. There are only a couple of ways to kill them and if I tell you they could be extinct be Monday. But they are very tuff indeed.


Author: Marissa A

Published: 04/2012



http://www.enchanted learning .com /subjects/whales/species/bowheadwhale.shtnl



Photo credit: nomed fense.big







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