Common Name: North Atlantic Right Whale
Scientific Name: Eubalaena glacialis
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Cetacea
Family Balaienidae
Genus Eubalaena
Species E. glacialis
The Eubalaena glacialis is called by other people that don’t want to waste time trying to say that the North Atlantic Right Whale.I’m writing a five paragraph essay about this awesome animal and about how it is so awesome but first I’m going to tell you a few fun facts like this animal measures from 45-55 feet and can weigh up to five tons. When the calves are born they are two times bigger than an adult North Atlantic Right Whales are the rarest of all species because right now there’s only 300 to 400 species left. They have thick blubber that makes them float hen their dead making it easy for other animals to eat them and for whale hunters to capture. While that’s all the facts I’m going to tell you for now so go get some pop corn go get comfy and start reading some of these facts might be new to you and some of them might be old to you. Paragraph 2 will be on species description, paragraph 3 will be on habitat, paragraph 4 will be on population trends and conservation efforts.
As you know from the beginning paragraph the north Atlantic right whale measures from 45 to 55 feet and can weigh up to 5 tons. Common features for the right whale include stocky body and black coloration but some right whales have white blotches on them about one fourth of its size is its head and the head is broad deeply notched ant always full black. Females give birth to their calves from 9 to 10 years of age and usually give birth from December to march; calves are usually feed breast milk till one year of age. Then they go on and feed on other foods. Using teeth to estimate the age of them but right whales don’t have teeth so most of the time people estimate age by ear bones and sometimes eye lenses. The least that right whales can live is 50 years and about but other closely related whales have lived for more than 100 years.
Right whales usually eat in places that have krill and copepods and they usually visit these places seasonally. Right whales have appeared in all the worlds’ oceans from temperature to sub polar latitudes. They’re mostly in costal or shelf waters but movements in deep water are known, most of the time they are at spots where their prey is at or where they are going to give birth. For example right whales go to lower latitudes and coastal waters where calving takes place. Right whales inhabit the ocean between 20 degrees and 60 degrees latitude and they migrate to high latitudes in the spring.
The population of the Right whales is believed to be 300 to 400 individual right whales that is very low! Recent studies have proved that the population is rising but they are still critically endangered and it will probably stay like that unless the Asians don’t stop eating them not to be mean. Also to this day even though the population for the right whales is rising the Asian wailers are taking the whale population down at the sometime so in the future the right whales could go extinct. Right whales were first protected in the year 1931 by America who made a contract to stop killing right whales but the Soviet Union, and Japan never signed it so they still kill them. Later as you know now they made that show whale wars when they’re trying to protect the whales while they’re not doing much because it is against the law to kill wailers. Also another leading thing that was killing right whales was ships crashing into whales, later America passed a lay noting that ships could not go to fast in certain areas and also that ships couldn’t go in certain parts of the ocean at certain times of the year.
I have told you how the population of the right whale is about 300 to 400 right whales; I told you where they live. The North Atlantic Right Whale is a baleen whale one of the 3 right whale species Eubalaena which is one of the most endangered genera. Right Whales are 40 percent blubber so when they die they float letting some whalers capture it but most of them wont because of the problem that by the time that they got there that whale could be filled with lots of bacteria or parasites. That is all I have left to say you may or not learned something or you may have not liked it all I care is that you read it.
Published: April 2012