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Common Name: Falanouc

Scientific Name: Eupleres goudotii

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Eupleridae

Subfamily: Euplerinae

Genus: Eupleres

Species: E. goudotii


The Falanouc is a very rare mammal. It is found throughout the coastal forests and swamps of northwestern and eastern Madagascar. The Falanouc is also known as the Fanalouc, Malagasy mongoose, Slender Falanouc and the small-toothed mongoose. The Falanouc is an endangered species. The Falanouc is a rare species. The Falanouc usually mates in July and August. Females have a litter of 1-2 offspring and they are born November through January. Their offspring are fully furred and have open eyes when born. The offspring weigh about 5 oz. at birth. Two days after birth, offspring can roam with their mother. They are weaned at around 9 weeks.


Though they are solitary, some groups have been observed. They are nocturnal and spend the day sleeping in rocky crevices or logs. Falanoucs tend to have large territories. They mark their territory with scent glands around their anus and neck. Falanoucs eat mostly earthworms, insects, snails, frogs and even an occasional small mammal or bird. It wades through water and digs into the ground to obtain food. It usually has a length of 18-26 in. long, slightly bigger than a house cat. It weighs about 5-10 pounds.


There are 2 sub-species: the Eastern and the Western Falanouc. The Eastern Falanouc has a cream-colored underbelly and its fur is fawn colored. The Western Falanouc males are brown and the females are gray. The Falanouc has a long skinny head with a long, pointed muzzle. It has teeth similar to an insectivore. They also have large, wide tails used to store fat for times of low food availability. The Falanouc lives in humid, coastal forest in Madagascar. It has also been observed in swamps.


There are only about 2,500 left in the wild. These animals are endangered because people hunt them for food, they are being hunted by dogs, and they are suffering the loss of habitat. This species is disappearing fast. If we don’t do something they will become extinct. The things I like about this animal are that they look like weasels, but at the same time as a cat. Also, I like how they are normally solitary but sometimes they join groups. I think that Falanoucs are interesting animals


Author: Xochitl L

Published: 02/2009


Photo Credit: Pete Oxford






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