Common Name: Arctic Wolf
Scientific Name: Canis lupus arctos
Order: Carnivora
Species:C. lupus
Sub-species: Canis lupus arctos

I chose the Arctic Wolf for my report because in my opinion, they are the most fascinating creatures on the planet. The Arctic Wolf can survive weeks without food. They can also undergo years of subzero temperatures. These are some of the many interesting facts I have learned about the Arctic Wolf while doing my report. Some of the characteristics of this class are, mammals, sharp teeth for tearing meat, and live in groups called packs.
The Arctic Wolf will kill pretty much any animal they can get their hands on. They need the help of other wolves in the pack to accomplish a larger and more plentiful hunt. The Arctic Wolf is a carnivore whose ancestors were very sophisticated hunters. The Arctic Wolf preys mostly on Arctic Hares, other small rodents, Musk Oxen, and Caribou. The ecological importance of the Arctic Wolf helps to control the populations of various arctic animals. However, if the Arctic Wolf kills too many of the same animal, the population of that certain type of animal the population would rapidly decrease. This would after a few weeks cause many wolves to die of the sudden food shortage. The economic importance of the Arctic wolf I'm sad to say, is that their fur is made into coats that sell for hundreds of dollars; depending on how much someone is willing to pay to get one.
The habitat of the Arctic Wolf ranges from various parts of Alaska to the wilderness of northern Canada. In some areas where Arctic Wolves live, it is rare for the air temperature to rise above -22 degrees Fahrenheit. It is abnormally warm for Arctic Wolves if the temperature rises above 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Alpha males and Alpha females in the pack are the only wolves that reproduce in any wolf sub-species. This is done sexually; the mother will then split off from the rest of the pack. The mother will soon find an old den or dig a new one where she will live and give birth to her cubs.
Author:Cameron W.
Published:April 2006
http://www.cosmosmith.com/arctic_wolves.html http://www.google.com/images?as_q=&svnum=10&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=Canis+Lupus+Arctos&as_oq=
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