Common Name: Orange Pipe Sponge
Scientific name: Leucosolenia botryoides
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Porifera
Class: Calcarea
Order: Leucosoleniida
Family: Leucosoleniidae
Genus: Leucosolenia
Species: L. botryoides

Leucosolenia botryoides is a small calcarean sponge, which means it has a spicule made of calcium carbonate. It is soft and very delicate. It grows to only be 2 to 4 cm tall. It has at the top of its root like branches an opening called an oscula. It is whitish in color.
These sponges can be found of the coasts of Brittan and Ireland. They range from the tidal pools to the subliteral zone. They attach to almost anything from rocks to kelp. Like all sponges L. botryoides filters food out of the surrounding waters. They take in water through pore cells and use collar cells to pull in digestible particles.
Author: Bobby S
Published: 06/2008
Photo Credit:
Keith Hiscock - Leucosolenia botryoides at Strome Narrows in Loch Carron, Scotland.