Common Name: Giant Katydid
Scientific Name: Stilpnochlora couloniana
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Tettigoniidae
Genus: Stilpnochlora
Species: S. couloniana

What do you think of when you hear Stilpnochlora Couloniana? You may think of a kind of scorpion. Well, it is actually something called the Giant Katydid. A katydid is an insect that lives in Cuba and Florida. It is very interesting for many reasons. One example is that the giant katydids’ wings are longer than their body.
Some interesting facts about the Giant Katydid are that they are pale green and green, which, if in the right environment, give it great camouflage. The colors, with splotches of black, make them look like leaves. Another interesting thing about them is that the females are larger and longer than the males.
The giant katydids’ eat leaves of oak, bramble, hazel, hypercium, butterfly bush, rose, and hawthorn bushes. It is a consumer and an herbivore.
The kingdom of the Giant Katydid is Animalia, the class is Insecta, Phylum Arthropoda, Order Orthropoda, Family Tettigoniidae, Genus Stilpnochlora and the species is couloniana.
Some interesting facts about the Giant Katydid are that they are pale green and green, which, if in the right environment, give it great camouflage. The colors, with splotches of black, make them look like leaves. Another interesting thing about them is that the females are larger and longer than the males. In conclusion the Stilpnochlora Couloniana is a very interesting ant.
Sources: http://www.phasmidsincyberspace.com/StilpnochloraCouloniana.htm
Picture Credit: http://www.keepinginsects.com/cockroaches-locusts-ants/giant-katydid/
Author: Unknown
Date Published: 3/14/13