Common Names: Cave Crickets
Scientific Name: Ammobaenetes phrixocnemoides
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Rhaphidophoridae
Genus: Ammoboenetes
Species: A. phrixocnemoides

Do you know what an Ammobaenetes Phrixocnemoides is? An Ammobaenetes Phrixocnemoides is known as the Cave Cricket or Camel Cricket.
The size of a Camel Cricket is about twenty-five millimeters long. The color of the Camel Cricket is a light brown or a dark brown. Their adaptation is in dark places. They have very long legs and are wingless. They are unable to chirp but are able to jump several feet.
The Camel Cricket can live in cool damp places like caves, rotten logs, under leaves and rocks, and under deep burrows of sand. A Camel Cricket is found mostly in North America and South of the Arctic Regions. Camel Crickets are not attracted to light.
Scientist does not know how many Camel Crickets there are in the world. But the doe known the population of the Camel Crickets is still growing.
Most Camel crickets are omnivorous scavengers. Camel Crickets will eat anything organic. They will also eat any decaying plant materials, fungi, and some seedling plants. Camel Crickets will eat their own dead if they have nothing else to eat. Camel Crickets eat with their powerful jaws.
Camel Crickets predators are spiders, some small wasp, ground beetles, birds, small rodents, and lizards. Camel Crickets try to avoid getting eaten by burrowing down in the dirt.
The one thing that stood out about my animal was how they eat their own dead when they have nothing else to eat. I learned a lot about my animal one thing that I learned was that it lived in North America and South Arctic Regions. Another thing I learned was they are omnivorous scavengers.
Author: Miranda P
Date Published: 03/2007
Sources Used: http://www.orkin.com/other/crickets/cave-cricket