Order - Orthoptera
(Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Locusts)

The Orthoptera are an order of insects with incomplete metamorphosis, including the grasshoppers, crickets and locusts. Many insects in this order produce sound by rubbing their wings against each other or their legs, the wings or legs containing rows of corrugated bumps.
Their ears, located in the front legs, are interconnected in such a way that they are able to locate each other by sound. Orthopterans have two pairs of wings; the forewings are narrower than the hind wings and hardened at the base. They are held overlapping the abdomen at rest. The hind wing is membranous and held folded fan-like under the forewings when at rest.
They have mandibulate mouthparts, large compound eyes, antennae length varies with species. Their hind legs are enlarged for jumping.