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Common Name: Rhinoceros Beetle
Scientific Name: Xylotrupes gideon
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Scarabeidae
Genus: Xylotrupes
Species: X. gideon

The rhinoceros beetle is the largest of all beetles (requires two years to become fully grown) and is named because the males have horns on the front of their of their body, females do not. This species can be found in south-east Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. They are nocturnal and feed on Poinciana trees. The males use their horns to knock other males off trees while competing for a mate. When disturbed they will make hissing sounds, they are however quite harmless.
Author: Cameron Q
Published: 11/4/04
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