Common Name: Capreolus Stag Beetle
Scientific Name: Lucanus capreolus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Lucanidae
Genus: Lucanus
Species: L. capreolus

Lucanus Capreolus is the scientific name for a stag beetle. This is known as the Reddish-brown Stag Beetle. The species name "Capreolus" it comes from Latin, meaning "Roe Deer." Roe Deer are small graceful deer of Eurasia woodlands having small forked antlers. The stag beetles little "antlers" tend to be more of a red color. The body has more of a brown body. A stag beetle is usually about an inch, with a thick body.
A stag beetle looks like an over-grown ant, but in fact the jaws are not terribly powerful. Given the large antler like mandibles are useless for hunting and defense, and that is if the males lug them around. You can immediately guess what they are for, wrestling. They fight over breeding territory, and for ladies.
This beetle is common in the Northeastern U.S. Found in shedding leave forests and surrounding areas. Sometimes they can be found in parts of Canada or Britian. This bug is rare in Britian, mainly due to loss of habitat.
Usually, larva eat rotting wood and roots. Adults eat treep sap or nothing at all. These beetles don't usually have to compete for food. They eat off of tress so they are an omnivore.
From the end of May until the beginning of August they go out from under ground and mate. As soon as they come above the only thing they want to do is mate. After mating, the female lays her eggs in rotten wood, which feeds the larvae as they grow over the next few years.
By: Jessica F.
Published: 02/13
Photo Credit:http://bugguide.net/node/view/3107