Common Name: Cottonwood Stag Beetle
Scientific Name: Lucanus mazama
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Lucanidae
Genus: Lucanus
Species: L. Mazama

The Cottonwood Stag Beetle, or the Western Black Stag Beetle, is a fascinating animal. This bug can range in size from 8 to 40 mm and is blackish brown. It is found in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Northern Mexico. Lucanus Mazama is extremely strong with large mandibles. I hope that in this essay you learn a lot about the Cottonwood Stag Beetle.
This bug looks similar to many bugs in its family. Western Black Stag Beetles range in size from 8 to 40 mm. They are either black, brown, or a mixture of both. This animal has very large pincers. When confronted, the beetle will rear back with its head held high and mandibles open.
Lucanus Mazama can be found in the Midwest United States. The population of this animal is endangered. It is still shrinking every day.
This beetle eats many things. They eat leaves, bark, insects, and man-made fabrics. Cottonwood Stag Beetles compete for food with other bugs. Predators of Lucanus Mazama are larger animals.
Western Black Stag Beetles are very interesting creatures. I’m glad that I was assigned this animal because I learned many new things. This animal is extremely important.
Author: Delaney W
Published: 02/2013
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