Common Name: Huachuca Monkey Grasshopper
Scientific Name: Eumorsea balli
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Eumastacide
Genus: Eumorsea
Species: E. balli

Have you ever heard of a Huachuca Monkey Grasshopper? You probably haven’t so I’m going to tell you about it. It lives in a few mountain ranges in Arizona, it is easy to blend in there with its light and dark browns. The reason I’m writing this is to teach you about this bug.
Now I’m going to talk to you about its general description. Usually they are under an inch in size. Its colors are light and dark browns that help it blend in. Some of the adaptations it has made are its color that helps it blend in. Some unique characteristics are that it has short stubby antenna and it’s wingless. I hope you learned some things about my bug.
This part is about its habitat and population. My animal is found in a few mountain ranges in Arizona. There is a stable population but not a lot of them because they are in only a few places. There has been no conservation attempts to save them. Overall, there are not a lot of them because of the only live in certain places.
Let’s see what they eat and there predators who eat them. It eats grasses and gets eaten by spiders and small birds. They eat a variety of plants ranging from grasses and sedge. A few other things are desert shrubs and ferns. A few predators are small birds, bats, and spiders. It uses it’s coloration to hide in the dead plants and desert shrubs. I hope you learned a lot about what it eats and its predators.
I think my animal is important because without it other things couldn’t survive. A few things that stood out to me were that they were only found in a few mountain ranges. Another thing is that it is wingless unlike many other grasshoppers. I hope you found my animal interesting and my report. Maybe in the future you could see one so remember what I told you about it.
Author: Ryan L.
Published: 3/13
Sources: http://bugguide.net/images/raw/.jpg
written by: James Buckley Jr.
City: New York
DK Publishing 2010 pg 45