Common Name: Boto
Scientific Name: Inia geoffrensis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Iniidae
Genus: Inia
Species: I. geoffrensis

The Boto lives in freshwater in the rivers of South America. They are usually found in the the Amazon and Orinco Basins of Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, and Guyana. They are 2.2 meters long and they weigh 85 to 130 kilograms.
Botos have different colors like pink, blue-gray, and white. They also have a long beak, a big body, large cheeks, tiny eyes, large flippers, and they sleep upside down. When there is a flood in the rivers they are seen by themselves and sometimes in groups. They only reproduce once a year. Their diets are mainly fish. They eat over 50 kinds of fish.
Botos are endangered because of the dams being built, pollution, and worst of all fishing. They get caught in nets and that leads to their death. In 1990 and 1994 thirty botos and dolphins washed up on the Amazon. But 95% of these were because the fisherman caught them with their nets.
What I thought was interesting is that they sleep upside down and they are different colors. Another thing I thought that was interesting is that they only reproduce once a year.
Author:Gabrielle L
Published: 02/2007
http://images.ask.com/fr?q=boto&desturi=http%3A%2F%2Flibrary.thinkquest.org%2FJ0 http://www.cms.int/reports/small_cetaceans/data/I_geoffrensis/inia_geoffrensis_lg.jpg