Common Name: Franciscana
Scientific Name: Pontoporia blainvillei
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Platanistidae
Genus: Pontoporia
Species: P. blainvillei

The Pontoporia Blainvillei is a river dolphin. This animal is mostly found in streams, creeks, and wetlands at the coastal waters of the central western south Atlantic, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. The franciscana has the longest beak of all whales. They are smooth swimmers that move silently. The Franciscanas are loners, for they swim alone or in small groups. P. blainvillei is a unique river dolphin.
The franciscana has a distinct look, because they are different from other dolphins. Females are larger than males; females are 5ft 10in and the males are 5ft 3in. They're colors are gray and brown with a lighter belly. They weigh 110 lbs. They're flippers are also very large in comparison with body size and are very broad but are narrow an joining the body and so are almost triangular in shape. They live up to be 20 years old.
The franciscana lives in the ocean and saltwater estuaries including the Rio de la Plato. Estuaries are where the river and the ocean meet. Because they live near the ocean they eat ocean fish, but they are also hunted by killer whales and sharks. Members of the species do spend portions of their lives outside of river systems, however there many individuals who live their entire lives within rivers, never venturing into the ocean proper.
The franciscanas are one of the rarest and most poorly known South American dolphins. Every year franciscanas are accidentally caught in shark nets as high as 1500. Females may be giving birth at the age of five, reproducing seasonally, births occur from October to early February and about 75% from October to December. Gestation's last from 9 to 10.5 months and location can take up to 9 months. Mothers will wean early from 8 to 9 months.
The franciscana is not any kind of dolphin you would see around, this dolphin is very unique its nothing alike the others. It is very sneaky and swims smoothly and slowly. I would like to watch them swim. I like them because they're unusual with there long beak making them look unique from all the other dolphins. Also whats unusual is that the females are larger than the males. The franciscana may be rare and barley known but it sure is an interesting and unique animal to learn about.
Author: Alejandra Z
Published: 2/2011
Guia, Neil De. "ADW: Pontoporia Blainvillei: Information." Animal Diversity Web. Web. 25 Feb. 2011. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pontoporia_blainvillei.html
WildMagazine.Ca. Web. 25 Feb. 2011. http://wildmagazine.net/
"Welcome - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries." NOAA :: National Marine Fisheries Service. Web. 25 Feb. 2011. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/
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