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Common Name: Hairless Bat

Scientific Name: Cheiromeles torquatus


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Chiroptera

Family: Molossidae

Genus: Cheiromeles

Species: C. torquatus


The Cherieromeles torquatus is better known as hairless bat is a small rare animal and interesting animal to study. The Hair less bat has almost no hair at all. It has a fine coat on its head and tail. The wings meet in the middle of its back. The skin is very strong feels kind of rubbery. It weighs about 160 grams it’s also can grow 7 inches in length.


The Hairless bats diet is small insects like Grass hoppers, Moths, Beetles and Crickets. They hunt over felids, meadows, over tree canopies and clearings. They also hunt in their caves where they live and slowly make their way outside to hunt. They also hunt in vacant buildings and such places as that. They are the world’s largest insect eating bat.


You can find them in the woods in hollow trees, caves, crevices and in holes in the earth. You can also find them flying over meadows or clearing field and in old burrows in earth. There are two species referred to Hair bat, Naked Bulldog bat they are both found in Southeast Asia.


Some interesting facts are during the day they rest and groom. They hang head down grooming them self or sleeping. The population of hair less bat is unknown. A baby or young bat is called a pup. The conservation status is near threatened by International Union Conservation.


They showed up a long time ago estimated about 50 million years ago. They are related to the family Molossidae. They leave their roots earlier than smaller bats to hunt better and avoid predators. They use echolocation and clicking sounds to hunt more effectively. 






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