Common Name: Humpback Whale
Scientific Name: Megaptera novaeangliae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordate
Class: Mamilia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Balaenoteridea
Genus: Megaptera
Species: M. novaeangliae

Many people have heard of the humpback whale, but they know very little about it. I am here to tell you that this mammal is an amazing creature. The humpback whale measures from 35 to 48 feet in size. Most people think that the boy whales are bigger than the girls, but the truth really is the girl whales are bigger. The colors of the humpback whales are grey or black and have a white grooved underbelly.
There is also a reason why the humpback whale is called Megaptera Novaengliae, because Megaptera means "giant wings" which refers to their massive flippers which measure up to 15 ft long. The humpback whale gets its name from the extra fin on its back that makes it look like a hump. The lifespan of this whale is 95 years.
This whale is called a baleen whale which means it eats small krill. Humpback whales have many strategies to keep it from getting in fisher's nets. One of the strategies is that it dives deep down into the water to where no human net can reach. This whale's habitat is in the ocean. These humpback whales are mainly living off the coast of Chile in the warm waters. Humpback whales are in the tropics to the Polar Regions during there migrating season.
These creatures are found in groups which are called pods. Humpbacks sometimes are seen with schools of fish. The reason why this whale is doing well in this ecosystem is that they have no threat from humans or any creature. According to the U.S. endangered species act of 1973 the humpback whales are endangered.
No one really knows how many whales there are because there are so many opinions that no one knows whom to believe. Still, many scientists think that the population might be shrinking every year because of oil spills and because they get caught in fisherman's nets. The whales are commonly known for eating krill, but many people don't know that they also eat small schooling fish.
What they do is encircle schools of fish and create bubbles that form some kind net around the fish. They then move in with their mouths to eat their prey. This is how they mainly get caught in fishing nets. For an average whale, their diet consists of 2,000 to 9,000 pounds of fish and krill every day. The humpback whale only has one predator and it is man.
The whales are dying from illegal whaling, oil spills, pollution, and getting caught in fisher's nets. Whales have many special talents that are known to humans. Their main talent is singing. Only the male whales can sing. They use their song to attract mates.
There are also different sounds like the cry or whistle. They also make loud sounds or Shrieks. I have learned many facts about the humpback whale. It is an amazing and talented creature that is gentle and smart. It has many strategies for getting out of danger. I am proud to do my report on the magnificent humpback whale.
Author: Rebecca A
Published: 02/2007
For more information contact NOAA Office of Public & Constituent Affairs, US Department of Commerce, 14th Street & Constitution Avenue N.W. Room 6013, Washington, DC 20230 - 0001 This site was created by Laura Drumm and the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. Last modified on.