Common Name: Ocean sun-fish
Scientific Name: Mola mola
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Family: Molidae
Genius: Mola
Species: M. mola

The Ocean Sunfish has the most bones of all fish. It is 11 feet long and weighs 2,300 kg (5070 Ibs). They feed on zooplankton, squids, jellyfish, and crustaceans. They are friendly to people such a divers who may venture into their habitat. They can be found in warm and modest zones of all oceans, including the Eastern Pacific and the eastern and western Atlantic Oceans. Because an Ocean sun-fish has a short stiff body ~they have no more than 16 vertebras. The spinal cord is ½ inch. And its brain is no bigger than a NUT! Their predators are oracas, sea lions, dolphins, and marlins. They can produce more then 300 million eggs! Thats the most of any known vertebrate. This fish has a rough and leathery skin.
Author: Samantha S
Published: April 2006
Sources: • http://www.seasky.org • http://www.amonline.net • The World book encyclopedia Chicago IL, 60601 • http://www.en.wikipedia.org • http://www.Junglewalk.com