Common Name: Guianan Cock of The Rock
Scientific Name: Rupicola rupicola
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Cotingidae
Genus: Rupicola
Species: R.rupicola

The Guianan Cock of The Rock is a very interesting bird. There are two types of Cock of The Rock Birds: The Guianan & The Andean Cock of The Rock. Some interesting features about this bird are: a large bump on top of it’s head & a very small & hidden beak, it’s main colors are Black, Orange & White as for the Andean it’s main colors are Black & Red-Orange. The height of this bird is twelve inches & it’s weight is 7.1 to 7.8 oz.
The Guianan Cock of The Rock & The Andean Cock of The Rock are very similar to each other they both have large bumps on their head; but they do have differences like the color and the bump on their head. They are from different locations but the same species of birds.
Both Cock of The Rock birds live in the same habitat a forest like terrain they both live in different countries the andean cock of the rock is the national bird of peru. The andean cock of the rock is a very interesting bird also it is a very good bird to breed those are some traits of the andean cock of the rock.
The guianan cock of the rock has great traits of breeding also same as the andean. The guianan cock of the rock does have predators like the golden eagle. The guianan cock of the rock is not an endangered species they are very common around tropical places like Peru & the Bahamas most tropical places.
The natural habitat of The Guianan Cock of The Rock is is Tropical Rain Forest they could be found anywhere but mostly common in countries like Mexico,Peru,Dubai and The Bahamas. They are very peaceful birds and could great pet birds the Andean Cock of the rock is probably best used for breeding at a pet store all of the cock of the rock birds are good animals and should be safe from predators.
Author: Jason C
Published: 02/2014
wild facts.com