Common name: Yellow Billed Cotinga
Scientific name: Carpodectes antonia
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Cotingidae
Genus: Carpodectes
Species: C. antoniae

The Carpodectes antoniae is an (Yellowed billed cotinga) endangered species. There usually white with a yellow beak. There being endangered because of either climate or loss of tree’s in Mangrove. There also really rare in some parts.
The Carpodectes antoniae is a medium sized bird regionally endemic to the mangroves of southern pacific coastal slope of Costa Rica and the northern pacific coast of panama. Its alternatively known as the Cotinga’s antoniae
The Carpodectes antoniae (yellow billed cotinga) is 21.5 centimeters long. It weighs The male Carpodectes antoniae has a slight gray tinge to upper parts of his body and a slightly bluish-gray crown. Has a bright yellow bill with black line along culmen. The female has ashy-gray, but darker on the forehead and crown. The place where people mostly find Carpodectes antonia are where there are mature fruit trees. The Carpodectes antoniae has a behavior characteristics unique to its species.
Some parts where the Carpodectes antoniae can be found in western Panama or Costa Rica. Carpodectes antoniae do well in their habitats if only the place they stay in has fruit trees so they can eat. Carpodectes antonia makes a living by staying in one place to eat the fruit out of a fruit tree then moves on to another place with fruit trees.
The population of the Carpodectes antoniae are estimated about 250-999 based on an assessment of known records, description of abundance and range size. The population of the Carpodectes antoniae are currently be endangered so that means they're going extinct. THE reason why the Carpodectes antoniae are going extinct because Mangroves are cutting down the fruit tree so the Carpodectes antoniae can eat then they die of starvation.
They Carpodectes antonae ’s prey is blue-headed tanager, palm tanager, black-whiskered vireo, blue-gray tanager, blue dacnis, and a green honeycreeper they also eat fruits. The Carpodectes antoniae predator is a cattle. The Carpodectes antoniae usually runs away by trying to fly away.
Published: 02/2014