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Common Name: Purple Throated Fruitcrow
Scientific Name: Querula purpurata

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Cotingidae
Genus: Querula
Species: Q. purpurata


 Have you ever heard of a Querula purpurata? The Querula Purpurata is a Purple Throated Fruitcrow. The Purple Throated Fruitcrow’s throat isn’t really purple it’s actually reddish purple. The Purpurata is a very interesting bird, it lives in many places,and its diet is interesting.

Purple Throated Fruitcrow is a weird name for this bird, because its throat is actually a reddish color. Its a medium sized bird thats a glossy black and has a reddish throat. It has a short, wide, grayish bill, with black eyes and gray legs. Their nest are usually small and shallow and mostly around the height of 75ft.

 The Purple Throated Fruitcrow lives mainly in the North part of South America. It lives in Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela. The Purple

Throated Fruitcrow’s population is “fairly common”. They are found in lowland rainforests from sea level to an altitude of 1000m.

The Fruitcrow’s diet is fruits and insects. It feeds off of the fruits and insects that are found in the rainforests. The name Fruitcrow kind of gives away its diet, but anyways the Fruitcrow eats fruit and insects.

So, all in all the Querula purpurata is a very interesting bird. It looks cool, is fairly common in the Northern part of South America, and its diet is fruit, obviously because it’s a fruitcrow, and insects. Thats all for the Querula purpurata, or the Purple Throated Fruitcrow.

Author: Mikey C





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