Common Name: Caterpillar Hunter
Scientific Name: Calosoma sycophanta
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Carabidae
Genus: Carabinae
Species: C. sycophanta

Calosoma sycophanta, when you see this beetle the word ‘whoa’ comes to mind then you would like to know more about it, well, in doing so, you have come to the right place. Calosoma sycophanta is a beetle commonly known as “The Caterpillar Hunter.” These beetles are found in Northeastern America with the exceptions of North America and southern parts of Canada. This report has the capability to answer all questions asked about this specific beetle.
Although the Caterpillar Hunter may seem simple it has many characteristics. Calosoma sycophanta has heights reaching from about ¼” to 1 ½”. Color is different depending on genes, meaning that they can be brown, black to and iridescent blue, green, or mixes of metallic reds. Being brown or black allows them to blend in under rocks or in the dirt, while being bright colored allows predators to know that they are dangerous. Unlike a close family member of Calosoma scrutator Calosoma sycophantas have coppery red margins. Thus, covering the general description, leaving these questions answered.
Calosoma sycophanta has many ways of life such as its habitat, population and conservation status. These beetles are most commonly found in debris, cracks under fallen leaves, soils, crops and shrubs. The population of these beetles is about 2,757,827 and is increasing due to constant reproduction. Unfortunately, this beetle’s conservation status has not yet been evaluated. Being informed about some ways of life we will move onto the next paragraph.
As every other animal, Caterpillar Hunters have their part in the food chain. They dominate smaller insects such as caterpillars and other miscellaneous bugs, while many smaller birds will eat them. Calosoma sycophanta eat Caterpillars and their Pupae, Gypsy Moths, Cankerworms and Cutworms. They either climb up trees or look in shrubs to find their prey. They prevent from getting eaten by using their color and thin, nimble and quick legs. As I stated in paragraph two if they are black or brown they blend into the ground and if they have an iridescent glow if wards off predators. This represents everything having to do with diet, feeding habits and predators of the Calosoma sycophanta.
If you were to take out this beetle, it would throw off everything else as it would any other animal some populations would rise while others decrease. To take out this beetle would mean that the caterpillar population would rise creating too many to handle and on the other hands the small birds population would decrease. What stands out the most for Calosoma sycophanta is that it has an iridescent blue-green color used for protection. Also, the fact that they get their name from just about what they eat. In conclusion, Calosoma sycophanta is a beetle with many characteristics, interesting looks, diet, and location.
Author: Maya K.
Photo Credit:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calosoma_sycophanta