The size of octopus vulgaris can go to 1.3 meters long. The coloration are grey-yellow-brown-and green. Which means sometimes they have the ability to hide by changing colors to hide from predators. Adaptaions would be the right category that changing colors would be in. Octopus vulgaris can camouflage their color to hide from predators, which is an adaptation. Another adaptation that they have are their ink they spray upon predators to give Octopus vulgaris a chance to escape. Also their tentacles are another one. They use their tenticles to grab stuff they need or better yet catch their prey to eat with it.
The parts of the range they are found in are tropical subtropical, and water between surface depth of 100 to 150 meters. They do so well in an ecosystem as long as they've adapted to that place. When they get so used to the ecosystem they are in they adapt to it and learn how to deal with everything around them.
There is an exact number of how many octopus vulgaris there are,but it is around 48% for female and same for the males. The population for the Octopus vulgaris has been shrinking and growing, but it says that the population of the Octopus vulgaris is growing because of all the reproducing they have been doing.
Seals, Barracudas, eels, and sharks etc. happen to come after octopus vulgaris. They get away from their predators by using their adaptations to escape as they go. Sometimes octopus vulgaris detach their limbs to distract their predators to give time to escape. Just like how lizards do to their tails when they detach them. Also they shoot out a fast jet of water from their body to create a fast speed to escape as fast as they can go.
Octopus vulgaris is a very smart cephalopod. They can not hear at all. Which means their sight is the best way to tell whats happening. Their mood is how you can tell what their feeling. Just like how a mood ring or something like that can tell your mood by changing colors, an octopus vulgaris can do the same. On each tentacle, an octopus vulgaris has 240 suction cups. Which is 1,920 cups in all. The smallest octopus vulgaris was one in California which was about 3/8 of an inch.
Author: Angelica B
Published: 02/2008
"the big zoo" http://www.thebigzoo.com/Animals/Common_Octopus.asp 2/14/08
"the cephlopod page" http://www.thecephalopodpage.org/Octopusvulgaris.php 2/14/08
"Cephbase" http://www.cephbase.utmb.edu/spdb/speciesc.cfm?CephID=495 2/14/08
"Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octopus 2/14/08
"Marine bio" http://marinebio.org/species.asp?id=555 2/14/08