The Blue Ringed Octopus is the size of a golf ball, but its poison is powerful enough to kill an adult human in just minutes. Also, the coloration of the Blue Ringed Octopus when it feels threatened, it faints blue rings and it becomes bright and vivid. That is how it warns predators so they can back off. The Blue Ringed Octopus is found in places around Australia. It is mainly found In shallow waters and in rocky pools.
The Blue Ringed Octopus is only about 12cm long, from the top of its body to the bottom of its tentacles. When it feels threatened small fluorescent blue spots appear over the body. An average Blue Ringed Octopus would weigh less than 90g.
The Blue Ringed Octopus is found living around the coast of Australia at the bottom of the ocean. The reason it does well in its ecosystem is because it’s the only place were It could find its food and the only place where it knows how to live. What the Blue Ringed Octopus eats are crabs, fish, and shrimp. It is hard for the Blue Ringed Octopus to get fish because fishes are fast swimmers. The way they eat the fish is first they bounce on them Prey and they use their beaks to bite chunks of them off. It is also said that Blue Ringed Octopus eat each other, but it has only been tested in labs, it has never been observed in the wild ocean. What we do know is that they compete against each other for food.
There are ten (10) species of the Blue Ringed Octopus. These creatures have a lot of babies, and when they mate the female octopuses loses its vision completely in some occasions. The females lay about 50 eggs in a lifetime towards autumn.
I learned many things about this animal, for example: I did not know the female Octopus can lay 50 eggs and how they sometimes loose the vision completely after they mate. Some of the things that really caught my attention was the way they change colors when they feel threatened and how they could be so poisoning to a human.