My animal is commonly called the longfin inshore squid. But its scientific name is Loligo pealeii. They come from the kingdom of Animalia and the phylum Mollusca. Some say that squids are a very much like octopuses. They are both very smart creatures. This particular squid has many names that include the Boston squid, calamari, Long-finned squid or winter squid. These squids grow to about 50 centimeters or 19 inches long.
Most eggs that hatch in the summer usually grow faster than those in winter. Its color is a reddish brown with some purple and yellow specks. It can change its color to make it seem invisible to its predators. The ecosystem it lives in the United States mid-Atlantic continental shelf region. It lives very well in its environment. U.S. marine scientists say “squid are masters of disguise, using their pigmented skin cells to camouflage themselves nearly instantaneously from predators.” This animal lives in moderately warm water. It is found in the western Atlantic continental shelf and upper slope waters from Nova Scotia to Venezuela, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
Their diet and feeding habits are eating a large variety of crustaceans, fishes, and other squids. No other animal competes for this food except for other Loligo pealeii, But other animals do eat them. Animals like the Bluefish, silver hake and summer flounder like to eat them. They were all found to be significant predators of squid. They do have a defense against being eaten; their skin it’s pigmented so they could become almost invisible. The interesting facts I learned about it is they are very small, but also very smart. I also learned that they only live for about a year. Author:
Author: Gabrielle P
Published: 02/2008
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loligo_pealei, http://www.answers.com/topic/longfin-inshore-squid?cat=technology, http://www.physorg.com/news78417348, http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-158387384.html Photo Credit: Gerardo Morfini Ph.D http://www.alsa.org/research/event.cfm?id=933&CFID=2&CFTOKEN=68144428