Common Name: Tucuxi
Scientific Name: Sotalia fluviatilis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phlylum: Chordata
Class: Mamalia
Order: Cectea
Family: Delphinede
Genus: Sotalia
Species: S. fluviatilis

Dolphins are one of the few mammals of the sea; they are a unique family that has a high intelligence. There are 32 different species of dolphins. One of them is the Tucuxi dolphin. There are two types the Oceanic and the River Tucuxis. The Tucuxi is a very unique species of the family of dolphin, even though it has similar characteristics with other dolphins, there are many distinct differences that define the species such as size color and the places it lives. This species is relatively abundant in South America.
The Tucuxi is described to look like the Bottlenose Dolphin. However the River Tucuxi is smaller, it is around 5 ft, and the Oceanic Tucuxi is around 7 feet in length; it is colored light to bluish grey on its sides and back. The abdomen region is much lighter often pink in color. The dorsal fluke is hooked slightly. The beak is defined as of moderate length. There are 26 to 36 pairs of teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
The River Tucuxi is distributed along the Amazon River and its tributes. It is found in the countries of Brazil, Peru, southeast Columbia, and eastern Ecuador. The Oceanic Tucuxi is found along the Atlantic coastlines and Central America. The Tucuxi has no precise estimations of the population are available. One problem is human fishing nets, but deliberate hunting has also been reported for the use of food or shark bait at sea. Pollution is also a big problem; mercury poisoning due to gold mining is a concern for this species. Some possible natural predators are the orca and the bull shark.
Dolphins eat fish, squid, and octopus. They compete with other dolphins for their food. Dolphins catch and eat their food under the water. Dolphins swallow their food whole and use muscles at the back of there tongue and throat to squeeze the fish down. How much a dolphin eats depends on what he or she is eating. For example, some fish have a high-fat content and provide more energy while eating less. Research says a dolphin needs to eat 1-3 its body weight every day. River dolphins will help fisherman catch fish by scaring the fish into the nets; the dolphin will do this as long as it gets its fair share of the fish.
As you can see the Tucuxi is a very unique dolphin. Their very unique abdomen has earned them the name the pink dolphin. This is why the Tucuxi is an amazing species of dolphin.
Author: Dominic Z
Published: 05/2012
Picture credit: Photo of the Tucuxi by Thomas Lindstrom
http://www.dolphins-world.co/DOlphin _Feeding.html
Dolphins as they are