Common Name: Senegal Bushbaby
Scientific Name: Galago senegalensis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Galagidae
Genus: Galago
Species: G. Senegalensis

The Senegal Bushbaby wouldn’t be such a great pet, but it has a lot of unique characteristics.
Senegal Bushbabies are small primates. Their fur ranges from silverish grey to dark brown. They’re good leapers and can run quickly to different branches. Their large eyes give them good night vision. Senegal Bushbabies have strong hind limbs and long tails that help them balance. Their ears are made of four parts and have the ability to bend back to help their hearing for hunting insects at night. They’re height is 13 centimeters, so they can be hand held.
Senegal Bushbabies are omnivores, so they eat both plants and animals. They eat small things like birds, seeds, flowers, nuts, and eggs. Their diet consists of insects, fruit, tree gums, and plant fluids.
Senegal Bushbabies are found in Africa, south of the Sahara, and islands such as Zanzibar. They tend to live in dry woodland regions and savannah regions. They live in nests that the females build, or abandoned bird nests.
In conclusion, Senegal Bushbabies have interesting characteristics. For example, their name ‘bushbaby’ refers to their cries and appearance. They communicate by calling to each other, or leaving marks of their paths with their urine. At the end of the night, they use a rallying call to gather to sleep. Therefore, the Senegal Bushbaby is a very interesting animal.
Author: Mason M.
Date Published: 2/14/11
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senegal_Bushbaby