Common Name: The Dusky Bushbaby
Scientific Name: Galago matschiei
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Galagidae
Genius: Galago
Species: G. matschiei

The bush baby’s name comes from Africa when some early Africans found it. It was jumping from bush to bush. The scientific name, Matschiei, comes from the man who found the Dusky Bushbaby.
The Dusky Bushbaby can get to 12.9cm or 19.9cm in height. But in weight it can get up to 70 to 314 grams coloration can range anywhere on a spectrum between black, brown, and grey, or white, black, yellow, and orange tints. Some adaptations are it has long nails to climb trees.
In general, the Dusky Bushbaby is found in most of the Sub-Saharan Africa ranging from Senegal East Somalia and down to South Africa and are present in every country in-between.
They do very well in their habitat there’s many things to eat in their habitat.There’s many of these species. They are actually at the top of the list for the most not-extinct species. There population is growing because there is not a lot of human contact, leading to more reproduction.
Bushbabies consume animal foods and invertebrates fruit, gum, and they feed at night, that’s why they have those big eyes they only compete with other predators for the big thing like a bird they compete with bats.
Some predators consist of mongoose, genets, jackals, domesticated cats and dogs. to get away if they can they climb in a tree but if they. cant they use there sharp claws to scratch them.
Author: unknown
Published: 01/2013
Gron KJ. 2008 December 8. Primate Factsheets: Lesser bushbaby (Galago) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology . <http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/lesser_bushbaby>. Accessed 2011 February 17.
painting: by gerald doyle