Common Name: Prince Demidoff's Bushbaby
Scientific Name: Galago demidoff
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Galagidae
Genius: Galago
Species: G. demidoff

The Galago demioff or better-known as Prince Demidoffs bushbaby, is an engaging animal that is found in Africa, it’s not like the more popular animals as in lions or elephants, it’s much smaller but very unique and intriguing.
This intriguing bushbaby is a very distinctive creature, it has very large sensitive eyes, so during the day their pupils are very small, but at night the pupils become enormous. Their fur is either a brown, gray, reddish or yellowish color. The length of this animal’s body is six to nine inches long and their tail is nine to ten inches long. As for its habitat the bushbaby is found in Central or Western Africa. They can live in areas where most animals would have difficulty surviving, because they are not as small as this animal. They also do well in their habitat because they can leap from one tree limb to another, their strong legs help them do so. They usually are found in primary (high in canopy) or secondary (bushy vegitation) forests.
The diet and eating habits are unusual for this animal considering it’s a mammal. It is a consumer and its diet is mostly made up of insects! They eat beetles, nocturnal moths, caterpillars, fruits, and gums. They usually eat fruit early in the night and insects for the rest of the time. The way bushbabies attack their prey is by using their strong back legs to jump on top of them. As for the conservation status, Prince Demidoffs Bushbaby is not listed in an endangered species. The population size for this species is about fifty-eighty per square mile.
The predators for Galago demidoff are vipers, birds of prey, and humans all hunt them down. This animal has some interesting things about it, like how it’s nocturnal, and how it can leap so far! Another fascinating thing about them is that they have a muscular diaphragm that helps them to breath. Also this animal just gets its nutrients from insects and fruits, which is really a weird diet.
I hope you had fun and learned some gripping facts about this animal that you might not have know about before like how they confine their prey or how there size helps them have easy movement in their habitat. I definitely enjoyed learning about this amazing creature and how it survives.
Author: Antonia L.
Published: 12/2012
Photo Credit: http://www.zooinstitutes.com/zoosrating/Animal.asp?name=716