Common Name: Brown Tailed Wooly Monkey
Scientific Name: Lagothrix lagotricha
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Atelidea
Genus: Lagothrix
Species: L. lagotricha

Lagothrix lagotricha is beautiful animal that live in the South America. They are strong big animals but, males are much heavier than female monkeys. Sadly that woolly monkeys main predators are humans because they kill them for their meat or sell them for pets.
Common woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) live in Neotropics of Northern South America, including the upper Magdalean River valley in Columbia, through out much of the Amazon basin of Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil west of the Rio Negro, and in the foothills and Eastern slopes or the Andes. They occur as high as 3,000 meters above sea level in the Andes Mountains.
Color on the upper parts being pale gray, dark gray, dark brown, pale smokey brown, red brown , or olivaceus color. In some common woolly monkeys the color of the head and limbs are distinctly darker than that of the back, in other the color is uniform.
Common woolly monkeys share large animals and are one of the largest new world primates by weight. Males are usually heavier than females and males canine teeth are larger than females. When in captivity these animals can be much heavier in weight than 10 kg but usually fall within the range of 3 kg to 10 kg. Head and body lenghth ranges from 558 to 686 mm and the tail is between 600 to 720 mm long. There hair is short, dense, and thick.
A normal diet of Lagothrix lagotricha consists of mainly fruits supplemented by leaves, seeds and some insects. There time is spent eating ripe fruit. Seeds are mostly important early in the rainy seasons when ripe fruits aren’t available. In captivity female common woolly monkeys were observed to prey on sparrows and were observed to share some of the same prey.
Lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkeys) are great animals because of there different colors and because they are so strong. When fruits are not in season its ok because they eat seeds and other foods.
Published: 11/2012
The Encyclopedia of Animals : A Complete Visual Guide Author: F Cooke; Jenni Bruce; et al Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2004
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woolly_monkey