The Common Earthworm is indigenous to the world. It commonly grows up to twenty to twenty-five centimeters long, but many grow longer. The colors are mainly a pinkish red. They adapt to any type of soil, and can even live in soils up to two meters long. The most identifying characteristic is the darker colored head and the lightly colored tail. Another identifying characteristic is the reproduction ring.
They help the energy cycle by replacing nutrients in our soil; which helps plants. They were first found in parts of Europe but quickly spread into every part of Europe. They are now found worldwide and live in most places that have moist soil. They are billions of these worms altogether. The number is too big to get a quota yet some are attempting to get one.
The population is growing and growing each day. Even though they have two common predators which are Birds and salamanders but there are others too. They are the third from the bottom of the food chain but are known to eat a dead animal which is starting to become common. What causes them to compete for food varies. They compete with snails because of both feasts at the organic matter. They are seen with eating at the root of the plants.
They are commonly eaten by salamanders and birds which are the most violent predators to them. They commonly evade being eaten by going underground, but if this doesn’t work they have no other option. Nothing interesting stuck out about the worm to me. But I did learn about how worms reproduce and what they eat.
Author: Gabriel C
Published: 03/2008
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbricus_terrestris http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/wildfacts/factfiles/416.shtml http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/earthworm.html
Photo Credit: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Lumbricus_terrestris.JPG