Common Night: Red Mite
Scientific Name: Trombidium holosericeum
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Acari
Family: Trombidiformes
Genus: Trombidium
Species: T. holosericeum

The Red Velvet Mite (also known as Trombidium holosericeum) is a mite that sucks blood from other insects and organisms. The Red Velvet Mite has a body length of about five millimeters. It has a red body color that has multiple tiny hairs giving it a velvety appearance, hence the name The Red Velvet Mite. This insect is usually found from the U.S to India. It is generally seen from the month of April to the month of October. The Red Velvet Mite is a very interesting organism.
The Red Velvet Mite has a very simple body description. The average length of this mite is about five millimeters long. The coloration of this organism is a luminous red that covers the entire body. Though most people are not very familiar with this, The Red Velvet Mite contains many toxins in its body. The bright red coloration is just a warning to other organisms of the toxins. Some characteristics that this mite has are, its red coloring and the toxins in its body. The Red Velvet Mite has a very interesting description of its body.
The Red Velvet Mite has a very typical place where it lives. This mite is found from U.S to India in soil and underbrush in wooded areas. The population of The Red Velvet Mite is unknown. There is no conservation status for this organism. This mite has an incredible system of where it lives.
A Red Velvet Mite has a very interesting eat or be eaten cycle. The role or “niche” in its food web is that of a predator. It eats other mites and small arthropods. It will also eat other arthropods’ eggs and larvae. Adult Red Velvet Mites will even eat arthropods that are much bigger than they are. The predators of this animal are much bigger than the Red Velvet Mite. It stays alive by eliminating predators. This mite has a fascinating diet and eating habits.
The Red Velvet Mite is very important because it keeps the ground level maintained. It is also used to control different species of arthropods’ populations from growing. Some things that stood out were the bright red coloring that told predators of the toxins in the mite’s body. This mite was extremely difficult to find information on. I enjoyed working on this project because it was a challenge.
Author: Dario G
Published: 02/2013
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trombidium_holosericeum, 1/29/13
The Red Velvet Mite