Common Name: Scabis
Scientific Name: Sarcoptes scabiei
Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Arthropod
Class: Arachnidan
Order: Acari
Family: Sarcoptidae
Genus: Sarcoptes
Species: S. Scabiei

Saracoptes scabei or the itch mite, is a very interesting arthropod that could affect your skin. The discovery of the itch mite was made in 1687.You could find this interesting creature in moist places like ponds or lakes. The disease or reaction caused by the itch mite could produce intense itchiness and rashes. So this anthropoid could be small, but dangerous too.
Saracoptes is a genus of skin parasites and part of a family of mites known as “scab mites.” The size of the itch mite is microscopic. The eggs are 0.1-0.15millimeters.The coloration changes when the mite goes on the skin. The mite’s best conditions are when there’s a lot of skin contact, therefore hands , wrists, and possibly the face. So this thing could be sneaky too.
Although the life cycle is only about two weeks, they are there are more than about a dozen of them. This mite will be found in public places where there is a lot of skin contact. The female deposits about 2-3eggs per day, for about 4 days. Once the female lays all her eggs, she dies right after. As long as the skin stays warm the mite could live up to 2 months after they lay their legs if female. And that’s how the it reproduces and conserves.
The mite has to feed so it could be able to move throughout the skin and just like the mite eats, it also gets eaten. The more the hosts makes contact the more energy it gets. I feeds of every 7 hours by eating its own eggs. The mites die within rapid change of weather conditions or bigger predators like the tick it could hide from its predator by staying on the skin. So just like the scabies could cause harm, they could be harmed also.
So from going to infected skin and rashes. The saracoptes scabei or the itch mite could affect you in a very nasty way. Their disease would affect the way your skin looks. So the way I look at it, is that the itch mite is not a friendly anthropoid.
Author: Alonso E
Published: 02/2013
www. Wikipedia.com
The Mite world/book
www. “today’s Scabies”.com