Common Name: Water Monitor
Scientific Name: Varanus Salvator
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Sauria
Family: Varanidae
Genus: Varanus
Species: V.salvator

The Varanus Salvator is the second largest lizard in the world. Their common name is the Water Monitor. It can grow up to nine feet long. Males grow larger than females do. They have three stages that they go through; egg, juvenile, and adult. The female Salvator lays 15-30 eggs. Females egg lying season extends from April to October.
Varanus Salvator is strong swimmers and is very aggressive. They fight with their jaws and tails. They consume crabs and other large invertebrates. They also feed on small mammals, birds, fish, insects, and carrion. Water Monitors use their fork-shaped tongue to hunt for food and they whip their muscular long tails.
Water Monitors are cold-blooded and are scavengers. Their population is unknown and endangered because people kill them for their skin. They do not have any predators because they have a poisonous flesh. They are found in India, Southern China, Thailand, the Philippines, and the Indonesian Island. Water Monitors Keep their habitats neat and tidy and they control the population of their prey.
Their habitat is in riverbanks and swamps that are in wetlands. In addition, their adaptations aid them in hunting for their prey. What I learned about the Varanus Salvator is that it is the second largest lizard and it is endangered. One of the interesting facts I found is, it has no predators because of its poisonous flesh. Out of everything I learned about this animal I was surprised that the reason why this animal is endangered is that people use its skin for fashion items.
Author: Trevis Y
Published: 02/2007
Bibliography: htt://ecollgyasia.com/vertsllizards/malayon_water_monitor.htm Jan 29 htt://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/water_moitor:Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia Jan 29 htt:www.naturiaper.sg/buloh/verts/monitor_lizard.htm Feb 4