Common Name: Amazon Tree Boa
Scientific Name: Corallus hortulanus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Choradata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Boidae
Genus: Corallus
Species: C. hortulanus

You may know this snake as Corallus Hortulanus, but I know this snake as the Amazon tree boa. Hortulanus’s can grow up to be as long as 6½ to 7 feet. If you were to see this species you would see that it has many colors. Some of its basic colors are in between black, brown, or gray. It can actually be any type of red, orange, yellow or any near color.
There are also many patterns on this snake. Hortulanus’s live in many rainforest, they can also occur in dryer forests than usual ones. Some of these species also live in grasslands but not very many. If not seen in any of these places then they are often seen by rivers, or a tree called an oxbow edge tree.
These species love to eat birds and insects. They like to eat bats… and they also love to eat frogs, lizards… It is actually very rare to tell what or when they are eating because of all its color you can’t tell what you are looking at. From Corallus Hortulanus I have learned that they range from 525 to 1880 in length.
There are many thing that have stood out to me the main, main one that stood out was that Corallus Hortulanus have 175-200 day before the female snake lays their eggs. I never new that I would ever like snake but this snake got me to start liking them. I would also like to give a special thanks to Wikipedia, and to animal diversity.com.
Author: Narisa G
Published: 03/2010
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corallus_hortulanus http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Corallus_hortulanus.html
Photo Credit: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peru-2006macaw2_245.jpg