Common Name: Emerald Tree Boa
Scientific Name: Corallus caninus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Choradata
Class: Reptillia
Order: Squamata
Family: Boidae
Genus: Corallus
Species: C. caninus

The Emerald Tree Boa is a very cool snake. It can grow to be six feet in length. It is obviously emerald green in color, with a zigzag of white. When it is born it has no white stripes and its colors can vary from orange, to brick-red, to yellow. When they are fully grown, they have teeth almost 1.5 inches long. They are not poisonous, though. Their colored skin helps them to hide in the forest.
The diet of these snakes consists of small mammals, small birds, lizards and frogs. They compete for food with other snakes. They are mostly attacked and eaten by Harpy and Crested Eagles. To evade the eagles, they will blend themselves into the trees.
The Emerald Tree Boa generally lives along the Amazon River Basin. They also live in the rainforests of Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Ecuador. They live in nooks and cracks in the trees. They help humans by eating ticks, mites and deadly spiders.
Although the exact population is unknown, they are not endangered. The loss of habitat is becoming a problem for them. Even worse than causing the death of snakes is not by eagles but by humans. We are killing the habitat of the snake.
The Emerald Tree Boa is an interesting animal. These snakes are some of the most prized exotic pets in the world. There worth quite a bit. The babies of this animal are usually around 2.5 feet to 3 feet. The mother of the babies can have 6 to 14 young at once. I learned that they use their colors and their homes to help them to evade the predators. I also learned they are one of the only non-venomous snakes with teeth there is.
Author: Christopher N
Published: 02/2010
Sources: www.snakes.com www.wikipedia.com www.ask.com
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emerald_tree_boa444.jpg