Common Name: Julus Scandinavius
Scientific Name: Julus Scandinavius
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Diplopoda
Order: Julida
Family: Julidae
Genus: Julus
Species: J. Scandinavius

Julus scandinavius is a black or brownish millipede, they are long and cylindrical in shape with a heavily rock-hard dorsal surface. Adult females range from 0.6–1.5in long and 0.06–0.11in wide. Males can be 0.5–1.1in long and 0.06–0.07in wide. This millipede is quite rare. Julus scandinavius is also able to be identified by its’ color. As you can see it has a black line down its’ back and its’ body is brown. Millipedes do have a lot of legs, but they never reach a thousand as the name says.
Julus scandinaviuses are found in the British Isles and Western Europe, with a newfound population in Massachusetts, and Northeastern United States. Julus scandinavius prefers sandy soils in forested areas and are often found under leaf litter. It helps to their environment that they eat plants and rotting materials because if they didn’t eat those plants, the plants would be a fire danger on the forest floor
Millipedes do not move far on their own, which helps to explain the huge number of species that may fill similar habitats Millipedes eat plants and rotting materials and are not a poisonous animal. Julus Scandinavius diet consists of decaying leaves, and Ash and Oak leaves. Their small size allows them to compete for food on the forest floor because they’ll blend with the dirt. Their competition is with other small herbivores on the forest floor for food. Julus scandinavius gets eaten by birds, and snakes. Julus scandinavius lives in the dirt. This is an advantage for Julus scandinavius. Julus Scandinavius’s color is brown and black. Julus sandinavius can easily blend in with the dirt on the ground.
Some species may have up to a 130 pairs of legs and that means they have no less than 260 legs! Having so many legs means that you have to walk carefully in order not to trip over your own feet. The reason millipedes are slow walkers is that each body segment has two pairs of legs that do not move at the same time. Just try to imagine how it works and you'll know why it's not possible to run fast that way. Some species spray a badly smelling substance around to get rid of enemies. Many millipedes curl up when threatened.
Author: Ashley D
Published: 02/2008
Sources: Mertz, Ann Leslie “Diplopoda.”[Online] Available http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/grze_02/grze_02_00131.html Answers.com
“Julus Scandinavius” [Online] Available http://www.answers.com/Julus%20Scandinavius
Photo Credit: Arentsen, Hans & Arentsen, Hania http://www.gardensafari.net/english/centipedes.htm