Common Name: Reeves Peasant
Scientific Name: Syrmaticus reevesii
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Syrmaticus
Species: S. reevesii

This bird is really outstanding. The size is 210 cm. for a male and 75 cm. for a female. Male birds are usually golden white and red bodied plumage, ahs grey legs and a brown iris. Female birds are brown with a blackish crown, buff face, and a grey brown barred tail feathers. Adaption for this bird is since they are brown the can stand on dirt and camouflage in the sand and stay away from predators.
The Reeves pheasant usually eats fruit, vegetables, seeds, grains, roots, bulbs, leaves, insects, grasshoppers, slugs, snails, and small lizards. They sometimes compete for food if there is an animal trying to get its food that they are trying to get and eat. Pheasants compete with any animals that usually eat what they eat so allot of different types of animals. Now there are predators that are eating these Reeves pheasants such as hunters, hawks, crows, and owls. How they get away is they fly as fast as they can until they live or either dies.
Reeves Pheasants live all over the place like in the evergreen forests of central and eastern China. They also live in North America, Hawaii, England, and France. These birds don’t really do well in the ecosystem for so many reasons. These birds live in forests on top of trees.
There aren’t so many pheasants in the world because of predators, deforestation, eggs are collected, and the feathers are plucked off and used as costumes. Of cores these species are decreasing and they might almost become extinct. The populations of these beautiful pheasants are 2,500-9,999 living in this world.
I really loved learning about these birds because I never heard of these birds before and it was really exciting to learn about them. What stood out the most about them was that I couldn’t believe that people would hurt them and take their feathers away just for costumes. I learned where the pheasants lived and how they get away from predators.
Author: Melissa C
Published: 08/2011