Common Name: Indian Peafowl
Scientific Name: Pavo cristatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Pavo
Speices: P. cristatus

The Pavo cristatus has a few different names Indian Peafowl, common peafowl, blue peafowl, and of course Pavo cristatus. It is with the class of aves so it is a type of bird. They hatch about 4 -8 eggs and then wait 28 days until they hatch, there eggs are light brown. This animal is found in dry grassy places and also in deciduous forests.
The Pavo cristatus eats seeds, insects, fruits, small mammals and reptiles. The Females are about 34in. long and way 6-8 Ibs, the males are about 7ft. long and way 8-13 Ibs.
The male and female both have different names, the male is known as a Peacock and the female is known as a Peahen. The color of the peacock is blue and green plumage. Plumage means is the color and pattern that the feathers are in. What brings attention to the male peafowl (peacock) is the color full tail or train. the back and looks like an eye at the end of each feather. When the peacock sees a peahen it spreads out the train, supposedly the females are attracted to! He males with the bigger and prettier train. The peahens colors are a dull green, gray and iridescent blue. Iridescent means it change color at different angle.
Another thing about them is that they are the largest flying birds in the world.
Author: Alijah B.
Date: 2 / 2010
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Paon_bleu_faisant_la_roue_-_peacock.JPG