Common Name: Brazilian Pygmy Owl
Scientific Name: Glaucidium minutissimum
Kingdom: Animalia
phylum: Chordata
class: Aves
Order: Strigiformes
Family: Strigidae
Genus: Glaucidium
Species: G. minutissimum

You may be thinking now either “Why is this stupid bird even here?” or “What a fascinating bird.” Well for those are thinking the first one I am here to prove you wrong. so sit down and listen.
First things first they are small and they live in Brazil if you hadn’t noticed. Time for the real knowledge, even though they are small they can hide better than most animals
and can catch insects well as well. although if they are found they can be eaten with one gulp. They have very good camouflage.
They live in the rain forest where most insects are out and about. Their population is not too high and not too low. As I said before they eat insects sometimes rodents. Snakes and bigger birds hunt them.
Author:Aaron M
Published: 2/2014