Common Name: Pearl Spotted Owlet
Scientific Name: Glaucidium perlatum
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Strigiformes
Family: Strigidae
Genus: Glaucidium
Species: G. perlatum

Animal Description: My animal, The Pearl Spotted owlet, is a white owl with brown spots. It is also an ear less owl. It has bulgy yellow eyes, with a pale orange, yellow beak. It has long sharp claws for catching food, and grasping trees.
Habitat and Range: The Pearl Spotted Owlet lives in bushes fields, dense and open woodland, and also grassland. They range from Africa to south of the Sahara, they are easily spotted in open woodland and in the Savannah.
Size of Population and Conservation Status: The population size of this species has not been counted. They usually fly in flocks of 12 with 2 leaders. The population count that they take yearly says that their population is shrinking but not drastically.
Diet and Feeding Habits: Pearl spotted Owlets feed on small mammals, medium size birds, and insects. They hunt from perches, and will chase a bird flying. In the food chain the pigeon and smaller pearl spotted owlet are among the smallest birds of prey. They really don’t have any competition except for the Victoria Crowned Pigeon.
Predators: The Pearl Spotted Owlet doesn’t have any predators. So they really don’t have to watch their back for anything that is going to kill them. So their wild life is pretty safe.
Interesting Facts: What I found interesting about my animal is that the owlet is earless. It is also very stocky. I feel that I learned a lot about this owlet. I find it cool that this owlet also hunts by day and not by night.
Author: Jacob T
Published: 02/2007
Bibliography: www.wikipedia.com www.answers.com
www.owlpages.com www.google.com
Photo by. Stuart Porter on www.owlpages.com