Common Name: Fuller Rose Beetle
Scientific Name: Naupactus godmanni
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Curculionidae
Genus: Naupactus
Species: N. godmanni

The Naupactus Godmanni, also known as the Fuller Rose Beetle is a very interesting animal. The Fuller Rose beetle is a brownish grey color. In this essay I will be discussing what it looks like, its population, habitat, diet, feeding habits, and predators.
The Fuller Rose beetle can grow from 6 to 8.5mm long. It’s also is a brownish grey color with bulging eyes. The Fuller Rose Beetle has a small snout and has black mottled marking over its body.
This beetle can be found in North and South America, Europe, Mediterranean countries, South Africa, Australia and many Pacific Island. One fifth of all the 1.5 million living species on earth are beetles, half of the eight hundred thousand species of insects on earth are nearly half beetles. Most people don’t like the Fuller Rose beetle because they are known to be “pests” because the destroy flowers.
In the food web, the Fuller Rose Beetle belongs with lizards, hawks, rabbits, mice, cactus, and coyotes. The eating habitat’s of the fuller rose beetle’s larva is that they eat the roots of plants. Adults feed on leaves, buds, flowers, citrus, berries, and roses. The predators of this animal are birds, spiders, large rove beetles, and shrews. To avoid being eaten many beetles camouflage themselves to hide from their predators. Since the fuller rose beetle is brown, a good place to hide would be the dirt.
The thing that stood out the most about this beetle is that most people see it as a pest. People often try to get rid of them because they destroy gardens and plants. Even though they are small they can still be very destructive. It was an interesting beetle, with good qualities.
Author: Michael A.
Date Published: 02/2013
Sources: unknown