Common Name: Dung Beetle
Scientific Name: Phanaeus vindex
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptra
Family: Scarabaeidae
Genus: Phanaeus
Species: P. vindex

Do you like beetles? If so your going to love this. This beetle is commonly called a Dung Beetle but in scientific terms its called a Phanaeus vindex. This beetle is very colorful. The males have a long horn in front and the females don’t. I’m writing this essay to get educated about dung beetles.
The Dung beetle is a variety of colors. Phanaeus vindex is about 11-22 mm long. It has a lot of colors , very metallic. Males have long horns that curve back towards the thorax. Female’s don’t have the long horn. They have a small bump called a tubercle. The Phanaeus vindex has many characteristics.
The Phanaeus vindex habitat is farmlands, forests, grasslands, and desserts. They live on every continent except Antarctica. Most wide spread in south Carolina. Phanaeus is a distinct evolutionary units that occur in fort worth center. They are mostly out during March through November .All in all they live almost everywhere but mostly in South Carolina.
The dung beetle doesn’t have a web. They eat with the mouth parts. They feed on mushrooms, decaying leaves, and fruit but most feed on Dung excreted by herbivores and omnivores. They do not require food sources not even water, as the Dung provides its own nutrients. They don’t usually eat in cold weather.
Phanaeus vindex is very colorful . They live on every continent except Antarctica. They also don’t eat in the cold weather. Only the males have long horns. The females have a little bump called tubercle. As you can see the Dung beetle is an awesome beetle!
Author: Kylee D.
Date Published: 2-15-12
Sources: Bugguide.net , Insects.tamu.edo.com, dungbeetlesinafrica.org
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Copyright © 2006 Scott Nelson