Common Name: Dead Leaf Mantis
Scientific Name: Acanthops amazonica
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Mantodea
Family: Acanthopidae
Genus: Acanthops
Species: A. amazonica

The Metilia amazonica might sound like a rare exotic insect, but really its jut a dead leaf mantis. This bug is dark brown with a brown, peachy bottom. It is called a dead leaf bug because he blends in with the leafs and trees. There are many different types of dead leaf mantises that can be found in different places around the world. This essay will tell you all about the this amazing mantis, Metilia Amazonica.
The Metilia Amazonica has many unique features. The size of the male and female mantis are different. The males grows to be about 2.5 inches, while the female grows to be about 2.8 inches. Metilia Amazonica is brownish, blackish from head to waist, and has a brownish, pinkish bottom to look like adead leaf. The bottom is shaped like a leaf but its top is the color of bark on a tree. This mantis looks like it's wearing a skirt, therefore it is different from any other mantis. This is why the dead leaf mantis is unique.
The Metilia Amazonica absorbs to its environment. It can be found in warm and tropical climates. The Metilia amazonica lives in South America, Malaysia and the Philippines. Mantodea has about 2,200 species. Though the conservation status is unknown, it appears to that its greatest threat is habitat destruction and pesticide. The warm environment is essential to the conservation status.
The Metilia amazonica has very special food habits. They are secondary consumers. They feed on small insects like flies, cockroaches and crickets. They even will eat some smaller animals like lizards and frogs. Some cannibalize during mating season. Most mantises are ambush predators. It captures its' prey by using it's legs for grasping. Like an alligator, it will camouflage itself from its predators. It's colors help it blend into the leaves and barks of trees, to protect itself from bats, birds, spiders, lizards and insect eating snakes.
Metilia amazonica is important because it helps get rid of flies. It stands out in a way that is different then a lot of other mantis'; it blends in like a dead leaf. I found it interesting that a creature so small can prey on frogs and lizards. This mantis is a very amazing creature. So be careful next time you step on a "leaf." It might just be a Metilia Amazonica.
Author: Unknown
Date Published: 3/2013
Photo Credit: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Acanthops_falcataria.jpg/220px-Acanthops_falcataria.jpg