Common Name: Melon Sea Urchin
Scientific Name: Echinus melo
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Echinoidea
Order: Echinoida
Family: Echinoida
Genus: Echinus
Species: E. melo

Sea urchins are spiny sea creatures of the class Echinoidea found in oceans all over the world. Their shell, which biologists call the test, is globular in shape and covered with spines. The fabulous Melon Sea Urchin has nice colorful spikes. They can change from green to yellow.
Their Rigid skin can help defend them form many predators. 25 meters deep lives this fascinating creature. The Melon Sea Urchin lives on hard rocky ocean floors. It could grow to 7 inches in diameter at a full grown rate. Their tubed feet help them stick to the rocks. Thin and short spikes are a lime green color. For there long and thin spikes, it’s a greener color.
My animal is abundant around 40 meters deep and can be found in the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic ocean. It feeds on Algae and small invertebrates. They can be in the Coastal areas, in Mediterranean, Eastern Atlantic, Ireland to cope green. Males and females have no difference at all.
Plants and animal matter are some of the food my animal would love to eat. Also, algae and dead fish, sponges, and mussels are some favorites. Many different types of animals prey on adult sea urchins, including birds, sea otters, fishes, crabs, lobsters, octopuses, and sea stars. Eggs and larvae of sea urchins are eaten by many types of carnivorous zooplankters and by suspension-feeding invertebrates including hydroids, sea anemones, and mussels, just to name a few.
Therefore, the melon sea urchin can be really interesting in many ways. From they way it is formed, to the way it can eat and walk. The struggle to stay alive under the ocean can be tough. My animal has survived quit a while. Thank you for reading about the Melon Sea Urchin.
Author: Ethan D
Date published: 02/2013
Sources: www.european -marine-life. Org\30\echinus-melo.php